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Engage with the Frequencies of Love

for the Flowering of your Soul Love


Empower your Spiritual Connection

Raise your Energy Vibration

Be touched by Love

Love is a frequency, an essential vibration.

Love is a miracle, a pure universal force of healing.

Love is a holy flame within you and within the heart of everything.

Love unifies all that believes in separation and raises your energy vibration.

Love is the highest creation. Love stretches and strengthens our heart chakra, offers access to higher truth and deepens our spiritual connection.

24 - 25 August, Orangeburg NY

The Flowering of your Soul Love

In co-creation with the Holy Mother, Angels & Enlightened Ones


Your soul is precious and full of immense love but on the earth this may not be so evident nor experienced by you, dear heart. We have each been on the earth previously and in these lifetimes each of us created actions that may not have emanated from our loving, caring heart space.  This is the reason we are here now, to make amends and gather all of the light we may have left behind when we passed over into the light at death and all the parts of our soul that felt unresolved were left behind.


This is the reason why we may also be hard on ourselves, unable to love ourselves, unable to think positively about our selves, be unwilling to be seen, not able to receive easily and we may have taken on masks of pretense so we appear to be amazing, brilliant but we don’t feel this from within.

When the source of any hardness and unwillingness to love our self is blessed by the infinite ocean of love, which is present all around us and within us in our heart flame, all that was left unresolved may be forgiven and in this way, we open to the love we are and we are able to receive love easily, we are able to receive from others, and we don’t count what we receive simply because we know we are so loved and that we are loving souls. We are free.


To liberate our soul to its natural true gifted and unique expression is a journey, and this takes time to meet all the layers and meet them with loving acceptance, non-judgement and in the full embrace of our compassionate heart. This is the greatest gift and true freedom you can give your self in this life.


We invite 15 souls to join us in a space of pure love where we are each honored as divine, as sacred, as holy, as beautiful, as magnificent and as a sister or brother to each of us. We will each be reconnected to the Holy Mother of our soul and opened to her love so we will feel safe enough to let go into love’s arms and know that we are not our creations and that whatever we have done or not done, we are loved eternally by the mother of our soul and in truth, by all other souls who are our kin.  


In the presence of pure love, all terror melts, all fears dissolve and fade away and over this weekend, we will have the opportunities to receive the frequencies of love that balance and unite all that may fear that is can never again be loved as it once was, or how it would love to be loved. The Holy Mother’s presence will support us to reclaim our divinity, and any perceived loss of innocence we may carry in regards to what we discover that is our personal karma that guides us on our path of the gaining of wisdom. The truth is, love comes to us to initiate us into an ever increasing embodiment of love when we are aware and choose love to be our greatest teacher and best friend. 

We will each receive a personal reading related to the nature of a part of our soul which denies love, denies its own divinity and the divinity and love of others. And we will be raised by the frequencies of love into a state beyond belief where there is only love so we may truly know that this state is permanent and all else is temporary and not the truth of who we are.


We will be supported to make amends and bring a part of our soul home into our heart. On the second day we will receive support with any consciousness held in our mind sphere that is yet to recognize the divinity of our soul and its immense preciousness and beauty. We will also receive a second reading related to a gift that our soul carries within its own pure light. We will be invited to honour this gift as part of our self acceptance and recognition of our eternal nature, our giftedness and blessed beauty. Loving and honoring our gifts is loving our soul.

Event Program

Saturday 24 August   10 – 5 pm

10am  Invitation into your own Heart and into the Heart of the Mother Earth. Setting our intentions and creating the sacred container and space for our journey together.


10.45am  Teaching on the power of love and the Universal Laws of Love, Forgiveness and Oneness


11.45am  Igniting our symbiotic relationship with the Holy Mother of our soul.


1.00  Lunch


2.00pm  Understanding personal soul karma. Akashic Reading related to the personal karma of our soul. This is a primary learning in our life from which we reclaim our great love and light. Journal writing.


3.30pm  Receiving the grace of the Holy Mother and the frequencies of love for our soul aspect to begin to melt the layers of belief and reclaim the pure unconditional love for our soul.


4.45pm  Activity in the presence of pure love, for the recognition that we, as souls on earth, are all the same - all healing, reclaiming, remembering and there is no shame, no guilt, no blame, no separation to carry, and all masks are unnecessary and only take away our precious energy.


The soul aspect is placed in a chamber, overnight, cared for by the angels of the Holy Mother.

Program - Day 1

Sunday 25 August   10 – 5 pm

10am  Second ceremony with the Holy Mother for our soul aspect. Breaking agreements our soul aspect may have made, to unwind and unbind the energy related to the denial of divinity and the rejection of love.


11.00am  Forgiveness ceremony in the presence of the Mother Earth. Releasing the stress in the nervous system and emotional energy in the organs from carrying this learning in this life and building a true relationship with the Mother Earth in support of our soul aspect’s ascension into the light. 


12.00pm  Divine Assistance for the liberation of our mind. We focus on the monitor and watcher guardian nature of our consciousness that usually makes choices and decisions based on memory and at times is affected by fear and tends to be overprotective of our soul. We receive the grace for our aspect’s belief systems to assist our soul to reclaim it sovereignty and empowerment from being influenced by the aspect.


1pm  Lunch

2pm  Personal reading of a gift your soul carries that is important for you to accept, own, utilize and develop as your next step for reclaiming the expression of your true soul essence.


3.30pm  Guided mergence process with our super consciousness to understand the learning, what we need to know now as the higher truth this part of our soul has brought to us. Journaling activity.


4.30pm  Holy Mother blessing and consecration of our soul.

Day 2

Enquiries & Registration





Bell-ans Centre of Creative Arts, 4 Bell Lane

Orangeburg NY

Registration is essential as only 15 places are available.

Sacred Exchange: $300 USD

Payment Options: Cash or via PayPal button below.

To use Guest Checkout, click "Pay with a Card".


What to bring: Bottled water, lunch, extra cushions for comfort, pen and paper, your beautiful self, optional cleansed crystal for the altar

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Meet AmaYa

AmaYa is a divine vessel for the wisdom, love and dispensations of the Holy Mother. She is a transmitter of the frequencies of love, which empower a soul to raise in energy vibration and experience their divine essence. She mentors souls through her embodiment of love, faith, compassion, higher truth and the wisdom of her Divine Presence.


She facilitates trainings, programs, events and retreats in service to the true freedom of our humanity and development of our heart chakra as an illumined portal of love. She is an international teacher and mentor of The Divine University.

AmaYa has co-facilitated two one year self mastery schools and trained students to read Akashic Records. She is preparing to teach a one year, self mastery school based on new teachings on the art and science of the heart.


Visit Amaya at the Sirius Library

Visit Amaya at the Self Mastery School

Meet Amaya

© 2021 Amaya Ma

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