Love Essentials Series 4
Bringing love and truth to essential relationships of great importance to our soul!
with AmaYa Ma, Holy Mother and the Family of Light
in sacred space, opened and filled with pure love and light
5 Tuesday Evenings, Orangeburg, NY
30 July - The Spiritual Gifts of Incarnation in the Male body
6 August - The Spiritual Gifts of Incarnation in the Female body
13 August - The Spiritual Gifts within Committed Partnership
20 August - The Spiritual Gifts of our Soul’s Original Relationship
27 August - The Spiritual Gifts of our Relationship with Mother Earth

Love Essentials Series 4 offers a clear pathway for building our love frequency through understanding and enlivening primary and essential relationships of great importance to our soul.
In this series we bring the higher understanding of the Universal Law of Love as the first law of life and the foundation for the growth of our soul through relationship. As we present the higher spiritual truths, keys and understandings each week, related to 5 primary relationships of our soul and bathe these with pure love, deeper meaning, purpose and clear understanding, we have the potential to accelerate our evolution, exponentially, and raise the amount of love in our chakra system. There is a science to this process we are being invited to understand and pursue.
We will be offering the Holy Mother’s Grace in each session, transmitting the frequencies of love which have the power to liberate us into a state of loving all beyond any reason, and raising us higher into an energy vibration which is beyond the influence of belief. Our greater embodiment of love is truly our next evolutionary step as a humanity and there is no limit to how much love frequency we may carry within our energy field and chakras.
Each session is recorded and will be available for download as high quality audio.
Every participant will receive the additional gift of a prayer that assists the intention of each session to continue to birth from within with the assistance of the Holy Mother.
Spiritual Gifts of Incarnation in a Male body
With the Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Brotherhood of Light
Tuesday 30 July 7 – 9pm
As men and women, we have a divine purpose for incarnating in either a male or female body and when we understand the initiations/life lessons connected with these bodies and how we may come into partnership and collaboration with each other in the highest way, we are able to flow more gracefully through the leanings we have each chosen to evolve through as souls.
This evening session answers the question, ‘What do souls, incarnated in a male body need to truly respect and understand about themselves to create the highest impact in every area of their life? Who are we as males on this planet and what is our next evolutionary step? What is our greater purpose as souls in male bodies? What does male empowerment look like?
When we understand the greater spiritual purpose of incarnating in a male body, we are able to take that leap of faith of trusting, loving, believing in ourselves as souls in a male body. We then know our place and our key qualities, and our self identity strengthens and we know our higher purpose. This blesses our relationship with ourselves, our families, our intimate partnerships, and all community relationships and collaborative intentions.
Spiritual understandings will be given related to the higher gifts of the male embodiment, that all in male bodies have come to be initiated in through their life lessons. Divine energy will be transmitted and every soul present will be blessed by the Holy Mother to create their connection to the frequencies of divine love. Grace will be brought forth by the Brotherhood of Light, emissaries of the divine masculine heart of all.
We are also inviting women or men who are in committed partnership with anyone who registers, to come and sit in loving witness of their companions to hold the space of love, respect and unconditional acceptance of the evolving male they are committed to supporting. We each carry masculine and feminine energy and we are an androgynous soul. This evening is dedicated to the male aspect of our humanity with full acceptance and immense love to the masculine within us all.
You will receive the session audio and a simple prayer for honouring and actualizing the gifts of the male embodiment. The last 30 mins is for sharing, discussion and questions.
The Spiritual Gifts of Incarnation in a Female body
With the Holy Mother and the Sisterhood of Light
Tuesday 6 August 7 – 9 pm
This evening session answers the question, ‘What do souls, incarnated in a female body need to truly respect and understand about themselves to create the highest impact in every area of their life? Who are we as females on this planet and what is our next evolutionary step? What is our greater purpose as souls in female bodies? What does female empowerment look like?
When we understand the greater spiritual purpose of incarnating in a female body, we are able to take that leap of faith of trusting, loving, believing in ourselves as souls in a female body. We then know our place and our key qualities, and our self identity strengthens and we know our higher purpose. This blesses our relationship with ourselves, our families, our intimate partnerships, and all community relationships and connections.
Spiritual understandings will be given related to the higher gifts of the female embodiment, that all in female bodies have come to be initiated in through their life lessons. Divine energy will be transmitted and every soul present will be blessed by the Holy Mother to create their connection to the frequencies of divine love. Grace will be brought forth by the Sisterhood of Light, emissaries of the divine feminine heart of all.
We are also inviting men or women who are in committed partnership with anyone who registers, to come and sit in loving witness of their companions to hold the space of love, respect and unconditional acceptance of the evolving female they are committed to supporting. We each carry masculine and feminine energy and we are an androgynous soul. This evening is dedicated to the female aspect of our humanity with full acceptance and immense love to the feminine within us all.
You will receive the session audio and a simple prayer for honouring and actualizing the gifts of the female embodiment. The last 30 mins is for sharing, discussion and questions.
The Spiritual Gifts of Committed Relationship
With the Grace of the Holy Mother, Angels and Archangels
Tuesday 13 August 7 – 9 pm
In our exploration of sacred relationships on the earth at this time, we are each coming Home to our place of inner belonging as we awaken to the truth of the higher purpose of developing close, committed and intimate relationships with another soul.
This evening transmission will offer truth, wisdom and abundant frequencies of love to shed light upon the contracts our souls may have made prior to incarnating to meet and share truth, love and the path of companionship with another. We will offer the higher spiritual understandings of the purpose of sharing through heart, body, mind and soul and the greater initiations that form this path of relationship. You will receive understanding of Universal Law and how universal law is initiating you as you walk the path of love and light and power with another.
The Holy Mother will offer a blessing upon all your committed relationships of this life to support you to open to the greater truth of the loving soul you are and to complete each relationship in a clear way so you may receive the precious gift that each relationship truly brought to you in your life. You will receive the steps for this sacred process so you may continue to receive the precious gift each soul gifted you, no matter what occurred or did not manifest.
You will receive the session audio and a simple prayer for honouring and actualizing the gifts of being in a committed relationship. The final 30 mins is for sharing, discussion and questions.
The Spiritual Gifts of our Soul’s Original Relationships
With the Grace of the Holy Mother, Angels and Archangels
Tuesday 20 August 7 – 9 pm
This evening session answers the question, ‘What do souls, incarnated in a female body need to truly respect and understand about themselves to create the highest impact in every area of their life? Who are we as females on this planet and what is our next evolutionary step? What is our greater purpose as souls in female bodies? What does female empowerment look like?
When we understand the greater spiritual purpose of incarnating in a female body, we are able to take that leap of faith of trusting, loving, believing in ourselves as souls in a female body. We then know our place and our key qualities, and our self identity strengthens and we know our higher purpose. This blesses our relationship with ourselves, our families, our intimate partnerships, and all community relationships and connections.
Spiritual understandings will be given related to the higher gifts of the female embodiment, that all in female bodies have come to be initiated in through their life lessons. Divine energy will be transmitted and every soul present will be blessed by the Holy Mother to create their connection to the frequencies of divine love. Grace will be brought forth by the Sisterhood of Light, emissaries of the divine feminine heart of all.
We are also inviting men or women who are in committed partnership with anyone who registers, to come and sit in loving witness of their companions to hold the space of love, respect and unconditional acceptance of the evolving female they are committed to supporting. We each carry masculine and feminine energy and we are an androgynous soul. This evening is dedicated to the female aspect of our humanity with full acceptance and immense love to the feminine within us all.
You will receive the session audio and a simple prayer for honouring and actualizing the gifts of the female embodiment. The last 30 mins is for sharing, discussion and questions.
The Spiritual Gifts of our Soul’s Relationship with Mother Earth
With the grace and blessings of Mother Gaia
Tuesday 27 August 7 – 9 pm
We have each been invited and welcomed to the earth plane by the Holy Mother Earth for a reason and we have each been blessed by the Mother Earth with a physical body for a higher spiritual purpose.
This evening session is a teaching on our spiritual relationship with Mother Earth and why this is so important for us to cultivate for our greater empowerment in life. You will receive understandings for developing right relationship with Mother Earth and the gift that this Mother is to your soul in this life. As you become the student of Mother Gaia, and of the creation plane of the earth that her field and heart home offer to you in this incarnation, you are able to claim your place of belonging here and stabilize your love and light embodiment. To birth our own spiritual authority on the earth, our relationship with the spirit of the earth is essential.
Receive the blessings and grace of this great Mother heart so you may truly earth your higher consciousness here. For beloved heart, the most important key for all those seeking to know who they are and why they are here and what their gifts are, it is the earthing of your light and love into her great heart, that brings greater peace and stability to you through access to the highest plan and truth for your life, held by this great Mother of Light for your soul.
You will receive the session audio and a simple prayer for honouring and actualizing your holy relationship with the Mother Earth. The last 30 mins is for sharing, discussion and questions.

Enquiries & Registration
Bell-ans Centre of Creative Arts
4 Bell Lane, Orangeburg NY 10962
Registration is essential
Live Audio: Each session will also be available via
LiveStream on Zoom for those who are not local to
Orangeburg and the surrounding NY region.
Payment via cash or PayPal below.
For Guest checkout, click "Pay with a Card".
$33 per session
$144 for the full series of 5 evenings
$120 for 4 evenings